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Thread: Feeding fat source

  1. #1

    Feeding fat source

    Im feeding raw and have for a while,during the cold months i struggles to keep weight on the dogs so i wanted to introduce a fat source,i read somewhere that a piece of lard would be sufficient and so cut a full block into 6 and fed one each ontop of their feed,the dogs kept their weight and as the warmer weather comes i took out the lard. Now a friend has since told me its the worse thing i could give to them as it puts extra fat on internal organs etc,i fully accept that bit for the amount they get i don't believe it does any harm,however,if it does,then what alternative fat source would you all reccomend or use?

  2. #2
    I alternate oil sources. Beef fat, chicken fat, and I also use lard. A heaping spoon every other day or every third day would do no harm.

    For beef fat Walmart usually carries cow cheek. It looks like half meat/half fat. This is a good source of beef fat that is economical as well.


  3. #3
    Westcountry. Internal organs have a fat around them anyway. Feeding them lard isn't going to do anything bad to your dog or it's organs, and if it DOES add some extra fat (because your friend doesn't KNOW), then that's ok also.

  4. #4
    Thanks for that laf,i will continue with lard. Much appreciated.

  5. #5
    Different oils are superior to lard. Fish oil, Wheat Germ, Flaxseed and Salmon are my choices.
    Lard is perfectly fine though.

  6. #6
    When it comes to dogs and their fat, I don't really think one is superior to the other. Flaxseed isn't really all that good for dogs as they simply don't assimilate the way we do which is why I stopped using that years ago.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    When it comes to dogs and their fat, I don't really think one is superior to the other. Flaxseed isn't really all that good for dogs as they simply don't assimilate the way we do which is why I stopped using that years ago.
    Agree with Frosty here, and I think you can just be mindful to continue to use natural sources, as well as some of the oils. Salmon oil, Cod, etc are all good along with some fat from meat..

  8. #8
    An old timer told me every winter he buys 600lbs of trimmings from a butcher, individually packages it up and adds the cuts to his normal feed to keep his hounds fat during winter. He lives in NJ.

    It's hard to get weight back up in winter once lost so I start adding more calories to the diet before winter begins and I'm able maintain an ideal chain weight for the entire season.

    In winter my dogs are not fat looking either.

  9. #9
    I believe Wheat Germ, Flaxseed, Fish Oil and Salmon Oil are all superior to Lard.
    Different oils provide different things, like some are strong in Omega 3's while others are your ticket for Omega 6's. These oils will surpass Lard in these categories.

  10. #10
    I usually use wheat or rice bran oil but now I am using the ground beef residue that's scraped off the grills and discarded @ burger joints. Gonna give it a try, plus it's for the free99. We are currently eating Fudruckers. Lol.

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