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  1. #1


    Jack - or anyone else who knows.

    I have gone back to my RAW feed program. I feed the works basically.

    If I wanted to opt for the Econo version (Chicken, Rice, Lard, Vitamin) would Bee Pollen be a good/better/best alternative for the Multi Vitamin? If not, would there be an alternative that would qualify as good or better?

    I like the idea of sprinkling in the Bee Pollen over the rice or something to that affect as opposed to the vitamin. Believe it or not, I got a couple of dogs, no matter where you hide a capsule, pill, vit. ect., they will find a way to eat everything and spit that damn thing out.

    Thanks and good day to all!

  2. #2
    I like greens (kale,collard,etc) instead of the pills.
    I used bok choy this spring and it seemed to work well; was easy and quick to grow and me and the dogs liked to eat it

  3. #3
    That's cool and all and I use veggies on my full meal deal as well, however, I am looking specifically for an alternative, easier to add to their meal, than a multivitamin.

    Sounds like Bee Pollen could be the alternative.

  4. #4
    Bee Pollen is kind of a complete food (mostly amino acids/proteins).

    If you're going "econo" ... then I am wondering why bee pollen?

    It certainly is more expensive than a vitamin pill.

    PS: Full Veggie Mix is (blended in a VitaMix) would be better than any pill.

  5. #5
    Jack, didn't think the whole "economic" angle through. Really just looking for something easier to administer than a pill b/c I have a few finicky canines who pick pills out of whatever I put them in.

    And, overall, it would be cheaper to feed bee pollen with the "econo raw" method than it would be to feed all the organs, eggs, oils, etc. that I feed now.

    I can get over 40lbs of Chicken Thighs for $20 right now, so I'm under .50 cents a pound on that portion of my feed. I typically end up at 1.30 or somewhere in that range for my raw feed. If I can go more economical, for a maintenance base feed, it would benefit me overall.

    Thanks for the input

  6. #6
    That's a good deal on the chicken thighs. I like the meat to bone ratio on thighs and that is what I was feeding mostly. And canned mackerel when I got it cheap, deer meat when we had it, cooked eggs, etc.

    A suggestion on the multi vitamin pill, some of those come as a gel cap and you could open it and put the powdered vitamins on their food. I have done this with other pills and I had some human prenatal vitamins in gel caps that I would open and use part of on my old dog's food. She was one to spit out any pill.

    I would add coconut oil and salmon oil to any diet, both are excellent oils and do different things. And some soil based probiotics are good, I found these for a low price on Amazon --

    Bee pollen is a helpful thing to add, start with a little and gradually increase it. Apple cider vinegar with the mother in it is also a good supplement. Also plain full fat yogurt or kefir are worth adding.

    And I would add some cooked chopped veggies here and there, all my dogs liked kale, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. Cooked carrots and cooked broccoli stalks are fed too on occasion.

    I've fed raw, and raw with kibble before. Thinking about it, the econo version of raw uses cooked rice, would a high quality kibble be a better "filler" than the cooked rice?

    Now the kibble would be more processed of course, but it would have more meat and vitamins in it, i.e. more nutrition than just cooked rice. Cooked rice as filler, would brown rice be a better choice than regular long grain white rice?
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by No Quarter Kennel View Post
    Jack, didn't think the whole "economic" angle through. Really just looking for something easier to administer than a pill b/c I have a few finicky canines who pick pills out of whatever I put them in.

    And, overall, it would be cheaper to feed bee pollen with the "econo raw" method than it would be to feed all the organs, eggs, oils, etc. that I feed now.

    I can get over 40lbs of Chicken Thighs for $20 right now, so I'm under .50 cents a pound on that portion of my feed. I typically end up at 1.30 or somewhere in that range for my raw feed. If I can go more economical, for a maintenance base feed, it would benefit me overall.

    Thanks for the input
    why not go to CVS and pick up a pill crusher to crush your vitamins and sprinkle/mix with your feed.

  8. #8
    I start with a bowl of rice. I add sunflower oil , a little canine red cell, kelp granules, and finally a can of jack mackerel.

    This is fed in addition to chicken backs for my econo raw.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by apeman View Post
    why not go to CVS and pick up a pill crusher to crush your vitamins and sprinkle/mix with your feed.
    Good idea. There is also Dog Bloom supplement, which is pretty good.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Good idea. There is also Dog Bloom supplement, which is pretty good.
    Jack, I used that back in the 80s. I didn't think that it was still around.

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