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Thread: Head/Ear Dogs & Hard Mouth

  1. #1

    Head/Ear Dogs & Hard Mouth

    I was reading in Jack's book about dogs that are defensive masters by keeping a hold on the head of their opponent, thus staying out of danger by neutralizing the other dog's weapons (his mouth). My question is: are you more or less likely to get a "freak mouth" (a truly devastating biter) in a dog w/that style of fighting (the slick dismantler) as opposed to the hard-driving, barnstormer type of bulldog? I am not a breeder; my guess would be the odds are about the same, but it's just a guess.

  2. #2
    I think dogs with mouth tend to "know" they have mouth, and are more likely to go for broke and try to use it.

    But I also know of some heavy-mouthed head dogs (R. Hall's Andy Capp and Jackson's 45 come, to mind), who could kill you with one hold on the skull.

  3. #3
    That makes sense. I guess if you bite hard enough something like that is surely possible. Another question, this one more historical: would you say Bolio or Barney, both well-known ear fighters I believe, were hard biters? The only information I have is that Patrick said Bolio wasn't the hardest biter ever but could "shut his mouth" & that Red Rover (a pseudonym) once wrote Barney had "devastating biting power."

  4. #4
    Showtimes ch rosco was a great head dog who would stay out of trouble didnt bite or rumble they way his ped said he should but he beat so of the hardest mouths out at the time! And i mean he only got touch onces or twice and they would break somthing on him,but i tell you this that would be all they got!! Slow walk you and he could control your next move why? Because were the head goes the body is sure to follow! Nothing and i mean nothing is better then a DEEP GAME,SMART,LONG WINDED HARD MOUTH HEAD DOCTOR! This JMO

  5. #5
    Well said, Ragedog.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ragedog10 View Post
    Nothing and i mean nothing is better then a DEEP GAME,SMART,LONG WINDED HARD MOUTH HEAD DOCTOR! This JMO
    All you need to add is "w/wrestling ability" & you have a proverbial ace on your hands. He'd be worth a bet, for sure. The really nice thing about the head dog is you don't seem to need a really powerful bite to win w/him. If you have the mouth, that's just a bonus. But even w/out that, a good head dog should be able to wear out a hard-charging, heavy-biting barnstormer.

  7. #7
    Ch rosco was bred to bit he didnt show much mouth, but he dam sure throw it when bred to a stifle eater we had two that knew when to us their mouth and they both would ride that bike till you slowed down then BAM their your ass end! You got your second wind they would get back on that bike and ride you around the block you slow up on them their back in that kill spot! Showtimes/D.M.D.K. Washington 2xw-1xl and D.M.D.K'S/Showtimes Gridlock 2xw and thats with two hooks missing!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by STA8541 View Post
    All you need to add is "w/wrestling ability" & you have a proverbial ace on your hands. He'd be worth a bet, for sure. The really nice thing about the head dog is you don't seem to need a really powerful bite to win w/him. If you have the mouth, that's just a bonus. But even w/out that, a good head dog should be able to wear out a hard-charging, heavy-biting barnstormer.
    Very true but for me im looking for our head doctors to be strong and super slick and tuff! A head doctor with some crunch can really hurt one with a deep rooted head hold , also we try to add finish to them not only will they control your head but you slow down or lay down on us and we're putting you away! Great head doctors with finish are like great BOXERS in they will jab jab till both eyes are shut then finish you with over hand right cause you cant keep up or see them coming! The less damage you take the longer your career!

  9. #9
    Cuh-ripes. That's excellent. They say breeding for bite is tough in that you never seem to get really freak biters consistently. But good, hard biters do seem to carry down from the dogs in back. And the finish is part of what makes a good head dog, I think. One that knows when to pour on the heat after pacing himself during the fight. And agreed on that last sentence!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ragedog10 View Post
    Very true but for me im looking for our head doctors to be strong and super slick and tuff! A head doctor with some crunch can really hurt one with a deep rooted head hold , also we try to add finish to them not only will they control your head but you slow down or lay down on us and we're putting you away! Great head doctors with finish are like great BOXERS in they will jab jab till both eyes are shut then finish you with over hand right cause you cant keep up or see them coming! The less damage you take the longer your career!

    Icon was rolled 5x ... two of which went over an hour ... and yet he hardly had a mark on him.

    People told me "I never touched him" ... and my response was NOTHING (his weight) COULD TOUCH HIM

    Here is what he did to one of my other dogs, a badass nose dog who still could hardly touch Icon

    He was an absolute ace on the head.


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