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Thread: How does pregnancy affect heat cycle?

  1. #1

    How does pregnancy affect heat cycle?

    If my female had pups that were born November 23rd, 2012 when should she be coming into heat? Your input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    it really depends on what her cycle is. one of my female comes back into heat 5 months after having pups. if she not bred she will come in ever 6 month almost to the day. my other female comes in ever 6 months but when we bred her she didn't come back in heat for 8 months. so my suggestion is make a spread sheet of her cycles. so u know when she will be ready

  3. #3
    Good suggestion, Deadgame.

    Hogdog, each bitch is different, so no one answer will apply to your unique animal.

    If you make a spreadsheet, as recommended, you will begin to learn the facts about each bitch you have.

    My stories on 'my' bitches will have no bearing on the reality that is unique to your particular animal

  4. #4

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