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Thread: Gyp Management

  1. #1

    Gyp Management

    I know this is something often talked about amongst dogmen/women alike for hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades. But truly in your opinon how do you feel a gyp should be managed? We can look at past success stories but lets be honest, some of them were out of this world bitches that had ability to produce, some just got bred to studs of a lifetime and most good bitches were lucky enough to have 2 of the key componets: 1. Bred to a valuable stud dog 2. a competent owner who raised schooled and showed offspring or placed them with good men to do what they would do.

    When we think of the gyps of times we have to realize that of the millions of dogs, we always seem to name the same bitches, to me that makes them the exception but not to be excused from conversation because those bitches were great. But really how does one go about picking his foundation bitch for his yard and yard to come? Is it simply a good bred bitch that you approve and when she gets to maturity you breed to a few studs of choice and raise, school, cull & work the offspring? Do you believe the foundation bitch should be a bitch that has proved or showed what she has in according to how she is bred so you have an idea what to add or breed her to in hopes of adding to create complete package?

    I ask because there are exceptions to both processes, we have dogs like Black Widow, Awesome Baby, Ms Trinx, Faith, Red Baby, Boudreaux Scream, Maloney's Dolly and so on, who never had to win a "show" to prove there worth.

    We also have the Ch Honeybunch's, Art's Missy, Miss Pool Hall Reds, Miss Spikes, Rocca's Cherry Bomb, Lee Ling's etc, that had good or great careers and then went on to produce above average and create some great hounds.. Again I know there are literally millions of other dogs that are wasted, destroyed or life cut off short before they have a chance to equal these dogs but of the thousands upon thousands that do make it almost 98% fall short.

    We all can agree production and performance are different worlds but often we approve a dog to go for production means after he/she has proven his/her performance abilities. We also can agree on "average" that males are often asked to prove more than the gyps. I understand if you chose her to be your brood bitch then she doesnt have to perform because you have her to basically equip your yard with hounds to do the performing. But what in your opinion has worked for you or have you seen work that often manages the gyp best. Performing then producing or given a chance to produce? Is it often that most performing bitches dont live as long as bitches that arent taken thru 2-5 keeps? Being on trail leaves less time to produce, as Im sure the owner's of the Tornados's, Queen of Hearts, Molly Bee's would have loved to enjoy more..

    What route would you pick? Which route seems to have most success in your experiences? How would/did you pick out your brood bitch to be bred? Linebred, in bred, 50/50 75/25 or almost as pure as you can find? How would you consider her first 3 breedings? Looseline breed her to family member, inbreed her to father, brother? outcross her?

    Just something to think about?? Interested in your responses

  2. #2

    Re: Gyp Management

    Well, essentially, a whole book could be written as to the potential depth and scope of your question/observations ... and in fact I wrote it: The Pit Bull Bible

    In a nutshell, I agree, it is very hard on a bitch to be expected both to have a match career and to deliver pups, as each can take a lot out of her. Since I personally am a breeder, I tend to favor breeding good bitches rather than matching them, LOL, but even if I were a competitor there are still reasons to favor the use of males over bitches. The most obvious reason, of course, would be avoiding having to worry about heat cycles during a keep.

    However, regarding breeding dogs, I feel making sure your BITCHES are the best is more important than your males. You can have the greatest male in the world, but unless you have equally-great bitches, you're breeding down in quality by using him. By contrast, if you have a great bitch it doesn't matter what your male/s is/are like, because you can take her and breed her to a great male.

    My most famous dog, Poncho, might have been a male ... but I produced him by breeding my inbred brood bitch to the outside stud Mason's Ch Hammer :ugeek:
    My favorite stud dog now, Silverback, might be the dog of mine a lot of people are looking at now ... but, here again, I produced him by breeding Poncho's sister Missy to the outside stud Ouch!

    Therefore, IMO, the most important thing anyone can do in the management of their bitches is to make sure they breed her to the most genetically-compatable males they can in the pursuit of excellence.



  3. #3

    Re: Gyp Management

    Thanks Jack, if you were able to breed Ms Trinx more how would you have lined her breedings up?

  4. #4

    Re: Gyp Management

    Quote Originally Posted by CitySwamp
    Thanks Jack, if you were able to breed Ms Trinx more how would you have lined her breedings up?
    For sure, this is the breeding I would have done ....

    • ...................................... ...... Indian Bolio, ROM
      ......................... Patrick's Bull Boy Bob, ROM
      ............................................. Patrick's Tuffy
      ...... Mason's Bolio Jr.
      ...................................... ...... Patrick's Bull Boy Bob, ROM
      ......................... Patrick's Speedy
      ............................................. Patrick's Red Baby, ROM
      If Only
      ...................................... ...... Crum's Caribou
      ......................... Hollingsworth's Saber
      ............................................. Patrick's Lady In Red
      ...... Hollingsworth's Miss Trinx
      ...................................... ...... Patrick's Little Tater
      ......................... Patrick's Lady In Red
      ............................................. Anderson's Rose

    It was just unfortunate that she died of cancer before that was able to happen ...



  5. #5

    Re: Gyp Management

    FOR me when i had my IN-BREED RED DEVIL bitch i decided that she would be my foundation because of her father (CLEMMON'S KOZZACK) who as game as you wanted a hound to be. when me and this guy were partner he breed kozzak back to his double breed daughter WHITE'S THUNDER to get my bitch (EL'S SAPHIRE) I knew i didn't just want do anything with her or loose her. and i didn't breed her until she was about 3-4 and her first breeding was into a J.RB.E dog named (CRACKER JACK)witch produce a blind fenomb named SADOT witch was hands down the best dogs i ever owned and breed .My SAPHIRE dog was only breed twice and her second litter produce a prodomenitly game litter . so to sum it up in a nut shell TO ME i like a bitch that is breed off of game stock and breed tight off of that line and then she is able to produce that something i love and tressure cause chances are she SHOULD be able to produce what her line dictates.

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