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Thread: Keeping kennels clean in the winter

  1. #1

    Keeping kennels clean in the winter

    Ok so I have started using a few kennels due to space issues. There all sitting on concrete slabs that I normally spray out daily with the water hose and scrub out twice a week. The problem that I have encountered is the water freezing before it makes it out the hose. So for you all that have your dogs outside in kennels how do you keep them clean during the winter months?

  2. #2
    Rake and shovel when its frozen. Drain your hose and keep it were it wont freeze and bring it out on days above freezing. Like you Scary, I'm open for suggestions if there's a better way.

  3. #3
    walking with a bucket of hot water... and a broom.
    but the colder the less bacteria, i dont clean them as often as in the summer. on raw u can pick up the stool leaving no marks anyways.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by scary View Post
    Ok so I have started using a few kennels due to space issues. There all sitting on concrete slabs that I normally spray out daily with the water hose and scrub out twice a week. The problem that I have encountered is the water freezing before it makes it out the hose. So for you all that have your dogs outside in kennels how do you keep them clean during the winter months?

    I don't know what to tell you. I have painstakingly created DVDs and posts showing the right way, but people always seem to like to choose the wrong way.

    As simply as I can put it, there are the 2 basic truths to kennel management:

    A) Concrete Slabs + Feeding Kibble = Shit & Piss Everywhere that the dogs are forced to walk in.

    B) Above Ground Pens (with slats) + Feeding Raw = NO SHIT/PISS Anywhere so the dogs stay clean.

    For whatever reason, you have simply chosen A. The option you chose is a nasty/daily pain in the ass in summer ... and it is made worse in winter.

    Choosing B would have been the better option.


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