One of the great features of The Ultimate Pedigree Database is the distinct search features we’re making in order to distinguish breedings from dogs, as well as “test” breedings from actual breedings. In order to enter your own breedings into the Breeding Database (or Search existing breedings), you will need to Click on The Ultimate Pedigree Database Tab and then select either the Add Breeding, Search Breedings, or Test Breeding hyperlink from the Sub-Navigation menu, depending upon what you’re trying to accomplish:
I will now discuss each of these different features in turn:
That will wrap-up our Breeding Database Tutorial :)
Thank you for taking the time to read these instructions IN FULL. Your doing so will not only save me time (by not forcing me to spell-out for you what is already covered here), but it will save you time as well, simply because you will be able to fully-understand and enjoy the full benefits of this Resource right from the get-go. I thank you sincerely for joining today, and if you have any questions not covered here, please post them on this thread. Thanks again!