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Thread: Waccamaw line

  1. #21
    Agree 💯 last thing we need is shitty media on these dogs

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Riverap View Post
    I had a heavy big John dog about 10 yrs ago . He was the nicest dog and at about 70 lbs. One day out of no where I tried taking him for a walk he wouldn’t let me leash him up, he growled jump me at me, it was dark out and I didn’t realize my wife walked out back to see what was going on he went after her and I hit him in the head with a shovel… cause he had her pinned . She ran inside the dog went into his outdoor kennel I culled him a few days later. It was a pretty fucken crazy less than five min he was the size of barracuda. I’m sure not all Wacc dogs are like that his sister and others who had litter mates and dogs off the other litter mates to my knowledge never had the problem.
    We had dogs off Waccamaw's line. Never had one people biter. Had dogs off AAA that we culled for that..All lines will throw a biter once every now and then. Most remove them from.the breeding pool.

    I have been on well known breeders yards years ago, you would be surprised how many nonsocialized dogs they had that would bite. It wasn't the dogs, it was too many dogs for that person. Dogs need time with humans. Not left on a chain and forgot about.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank43 View Post
    One of my foundation dogs was half wacc dog. Most of mine don't have problems with people. Some of the bolio dogs aren't the craziest about strangers and people. Seems like they are some of the smartest and have finish. One thing I like about the Hollingsworth dogs are the temperaments. People don't think it matters. Things like work ethic and stable temperament are definitely important. My dogs have been around my neighbors. They used to give me crap for saying I'd cull man biters. When you have to deal with ac and neighbors I'd make sure my dogs had good temperaments.

    Bolio was a biter and he passed that trait on. You just have to not use them regardless in a breed program.

  4. #24
    The dog is smart as hell and so damn athletic

  5. #25
    I owned his mother she was a sweet heart and sane sister. His uncle was off . Sad deal my kids played with him wife loved the dog flipped over night , I gave it a fews days to see if he was sick you hear that weird story dog bites and they find a pencil broken in its ear. Just did what I thought was right at the time facing that issue.

  6. #26
    You never lied about her being mostly yellow john. Thing that kills me is all these new outcross breeders. Sabre looks pretty inbred line bred yellow john to me. Tight yellow john dogs seems to produce well. All the outcross breeders capitalize on the work of the family breeders.

  7. #27
    If I were pursuing the Waccamaw line I would try to stack Chicora II as many times as possible.

    I'd pick her over the stable of stud dogs, past and present.


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