point me in the direction for working,proving termite
point me in the direction for working,proving termite
anyone have any experience with the termite dogs coming through redjack
how do the pure termite dogs compare to the termite crosses
Bently are you talking about Powell's Termite? If so, his dogs got passed on to others many years back. Believe he still has a long stretch of prison time to do. Was told if he has to serve all his time. Will be in his 60's when released.
From what I have read on the on lines pedigree site. The member 2Bulls might can help you. If he does not know you very well, doubt you will get much info. Cheers
yes powell/carolina knls
i know where i might be getting them from. but for now just doing a little research on my own. any info will help
IMHO, the Termite dogs are very rough, but not deeply game.
My dogs have faced at least a few HOE dogs, most I believe right off of Termite, and (while these dogs enjoyed an early lead) ultimately they quit to my Poncho dogs almost every time. That included dogs off of Gabriel and Salina, although I think one was off of Ch Herc and the other off of Ch Cock Diesel.
Memories fade over time, but I do recall Dream Killer's Cuervo (1xW) defeated one in 1:20, as well as Gorilla Warfare's Blazer (1xW) winning in :29. Also think a son of Mister stopped one, but I forget the details.
I realize a few matches don't tell the whole story, and different individuals paired-up yield different results.
But that is just what I recall of the few times my stuff has faced the Termite stuff.
That’s must be the hell on earth blood with the jeep in it that’s not game. The original termite dogs from the south not the east coast are very game. A quite few of them I seen them dead game. The termite blood is different down south. Trust me.