I would not doubt any of the story except the part about rolling him one day and shipping the next. Even in the best of times, that would never happen.

I too saw Frisco and was with a guy who bred to him on the old Bulldog Hill. Frisco was lively and outgoing on that particular day. He was not overly friendly nor was he overly outgoing but he was not at the other end of the chain spot like some describe.

By then maybe he had realized his lot in life was to be 'cootchie-getter' and not a 'go-getter and his demeanor was different. That I do not know.

Fortunately for the game someone bred the dog. There are tons and tons of winners off of him. Then there was a stretch where things went south. There were a lot of Frisco dogs that were devastating and had incredible finishing skills, but out of that bunch there were a lot that would walk away.

Tons of families go thru the same thing.

Then all of a sudden Frisco was throwing hard mouthed game dogs, both durable and with finish. My best guess is, like a fine wine, his sperm got better with time.

Most stud dogs who become famous have similar stories. A lot of time the dog catches the knock for the decision made by people.