You know while I did notice two different pedigrees I always thought one was just incorrect. For some reason I never thought they were two different dogs. Jack can probably clear that up though.
You know while I did notice two different pedigrees I always thought one was just incorrect. For some reason I never thought they were two different dogs. Jack can probably clear that up though.
I thought you might have had a case of mistaken identity and was going to say something.
Yes, there are 2 different Bolio Jrs. (Bolios Jr.?)
One was Patrick's Bolio Jr. (allegedly off Red Baby back to her dad Bolio, but a suspect pedigree) and the other was Mason's Bolio Jr. (Speedy back to her dad BBB, a legitimate pedigree).
Hope this clarifies,
Thanks Jack for years I assumed the Bolio to Red Baby ped was fake. Not sure where I got that into my head, but yeah I guess somewhere along the line I started to assume Patrick's Bolio Jr. Was one in the same with the Mason's Bolio Jr. probably when I saw them both popping up in the same pedigree. Jeez how often does that happen?!