Well said No Quarter Kennel. I agree with every bit you wrote above. I also tell people, Jack a is great guy full of great information but you just got to be blind when it comes to his insults.
Well said No Quarter Kennel. I agree with every bit you wrote above. I also tell people, Jack a is great guy full of great information but you just got to be blind when it comes to his insults.
Point well taken.
There are always idiots who are "suspicious" of everything. I want photos because it makes the damned pedigrees look better and more interesting. That's it.
Hell, I have posted photos of every single breeding I have ever done in my life, long before this place (or FedsOnline) was even in existence.
Even James Crenshaw once said, "If you want to sell dogs, you need to learn how to take a good photo."
I have scanned and added photos of Tudor's old dogs, to enhance many of Tudor's pedigrees ... am I trying to get old, dead Earl "in trouble also"
Fucking morons ...
My expertise goes beyond "the internet" good sir.
My dogs have won all over the world in real life ... and my breeding methods + caretaking methods have produced results for the dogmen who have used them all over the world ... which is why I have testimonials from people all over the world ... including yourself
Congratulations on your accomplishments as a coach ... now get off your ass and post photos of your breedings
Just to read you my own resume, I conduct the investigations upon which civil attorneys base their cases, which means I am a fact-finder who creates the reports & factual presentations upon which the most accomplished trial lawyers base their cases and defend their insureds from (sometimes) multi-million dollar lawsuits, and I have been doing this since 1988.
Of all the cases I have put together in 26 years of doing this (though, admittedly, I took a hiatus in 1999) **only two** have ever lost ... and even those 2 went from pleadings for hundreds of thousands of dollars, down to less than $10K verdicts.
The statistical probability of some clown dogman whipping me in a debate, therefore, is about ZERO
The reason is, I know how to stick to the facts, while most people spiral down an emotional spin and LIE TO THEMSELVES at some point ... fabricate bullshit, etc., etc.
I have to admit, this is a good point.
My biggest weakness is my penchant to insult, though half the time I do it playfully just to razz folks
But still, you're right in the end: I should be more respectful.
I forget who (maybe Whitman or Emerson) said, "The first step to teaching is respecting the student."
Will try to work on that ... (and, incidentally, I do like you and respect you ... I think you're real and speak what you truly believe ... even if you can't admit you're just being too lazy to add photos )
This, of course, is the truth. I can be a real asshole.
However, I don't have a bad heart. Quite the good heart, in fact.
For example, take a look at the testimonial on p. 10, 4th post down.
This bozo ran his mouth at me for over 10 years straight, threatened me, called Poncho a "cur" every chance he got, insulted me constantly ... until one day his poor little doggie had a life-threatening case of babesia, and his dumb ass was unprepared and he didn't have any meds. So WHO does he call for his medical emergency? You guessed, me. (This was back when I made my phone # public.)
And, so what do I do? Did I cuss him out? Did I laugh at his predicament? Nope.
I got his full address information, and overnighted him some Berenil, on MY dime, and helped save his bitch, that's what.
Did the cops raid his yard after I got his address? No again.
All these fucking retards who accuse me of "blah-blah" (1) sure know who to go to for HELP, and (2) sure seem to TRUST ME when the chips are down
Okay, you're right about that, on both counts. Will try to tone down my sharp tongue .. though it is difficult to do at times
I do not perceive anything you said as malicious, only brutal honesty, especially about me being an asshole at times, which I respect and with which I can agree.
But you're still lying to yourself on the feeding kibble and not bothering to add photos: pure laziness
You too bud.
You're an asset to this place ... and you'd be an even bigger asset if you'd just add the GD photos
I like this forum, there are a lot of good knowledgeable people on here. And I like how posts for the most are respectful and that there is none of the BS found elsewhere.
But there are some points on this thread that could have been more tactful. Jack and Ferg, you are both good intelligent folks with a lot of dog knowledge, and you both care deeply about these dogs. I have a lot of respect for you both and I hate to see the insults thrown out as that is not constructive. I was brought up to treat people as I would like to be treated and that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
I am glad things are resolved now and on an even keel. Feeding kibble is not the worst thing to happen to a dog, sure, raw is a better diet but sometimes life gets in the way and Jack, you even said you have fed kibble here and there for a few weeks. And it is funny, my old dog actually liked kibble better than the good raw meat I fed her.
I would not think poorly of anyone who feed a quality kibble, we all have different situtations in life, and while feeding a raw diet is optimal, it is not always possible. Life gets wicked busy at times, what can you do?
Common sense isn't so common these days.
Jack - Much Respect Brother!