Pups born April 20th. All Males. 2 available. $700
Guaranteed health, ADBA Reg
Pups born April 20th. All Males. 2 available. $700
Guaranteed health, ADBA Reg
That is also a very nice breeding!
Common sense isn't so common these days.
Thanks SGC. Very good parents and grandparents. PK is from an all around litter that's proven from one very good sire and grandsire. Honey is a very very good individual off of two great parents as well.
Hard to go wrong with this type of foundation.
Boring as shit without photos
You trying to hurt my feelings Jack? Seems like you don't have anything to say to me unless it's negative.
LOL.....if so - it will never work.
Photos would be nice too but I respect your decision whether you want it up or not.
You are suffering from a thinking disorder
On the other thread, you are the one who came in with negative (and unfounded) statements, causing an incredible digression from the topic (ULTIMATE bitch food) ... where you spun-off in every direction, covering everything from Ol Roy, to 100-dog yards, to millionaires ... but that had NOTHING to do with the subject (ultimate bitch food). Finally, you conceded the original point that raw was the best ultimate bitch food, which was my point all along.
Here, I wasn't trying to hurt your feewings (lmao) I was PLAYFULLY GIVING YOU SHIT for (once again) being too lazy to post a photo of the breeding.
Are you noticing the pattern of laziness you're getting into (too lazy to feed raw, too lazy to post photos, etc.).
The world is full of excuses, but doing things properly never needs one.
You say, "I only say negative things to you," which is far from the truth.
I agree with your thoughts on Mayweather. Agree with your thoughts on people who mistreat dogs.
But I call a spade a spade, and feeding ol Roy is a shit thing to do, and being too lazy to post photos makes your ad BORING AS SHIT, because the names mean nothing to me.
Have you considered acknowledging that YOU are not doing things correctly and completely, in either case?
You're a coach right?
Do you "compliment" your lazy students for FAILING to try their very best?
I doubt that very much ... I'll bet you go right up to the lazy, half-tryers and point out the fact they're not giving it 100%.
So why don't you see how that might apply here
Jesus Jack
Maybe I had too much coffee.
Sorry, no thinking disorder here.
The other thread is another thread. Another topic, but again, I never conceded that "raw was the best" b/c I never disagreed with that practice. I have always thought feeding raw was best I just don't think people who feed kibble are lazy, I know it's not a crime for anyone to feed dogfood (whether you or anyone else thinks kibble is dogfood or not, legal and categorically IT IS) and I'm just not as eager to hide behind I TELL IT LIKE IT IS or "I call a spade a spade" to be insulting or rude to anyone and more specifically, those I have so much in common with.
You see me not posting a picture as laziness where I see it a choice. I don't owe you or anyone else here a picture of any property I own. I'm not real concerned with YOU knowing any dog in any pedigree of any dog I own. It's a choice, not a habit. Laziness is a condition from which I don't suffer. You know, it's funny b/c more than one person from this actual forum has called or emailed me thinking your persistence for wanting pictures of so many dogs from so many owners is very suspicious. Personally, I think you are a guy trying to build an incredible database of pedigrees, documentation and history that can and will grow into something special, however, your attitude through insults (which it doesn't matter if you intend them to be insults or not or if you are calling a spade a spade - perception by recipient warrants insult or not - not the giver) in wanting or demanding pictures has raised eyebrows of members on your own board and they have questioned your intent on wanting pictures of others' dogs. There have been comments similar to "FEDS-online" about this board. Again, I see it all cool - but the perception (which becomes reality so many times) is out there.
Have I acknowledged me being lazy? I looked at myself for about 2 seconds in that regard and then remembered, CA Jack doesn't even know me. He's a guy who forms opinions base on internet banter. You have never met me and you don't know me in the least. Maybe it is you that should acknowledge that you are seemingly an expert in ONLINE, written, factually based relationships centered around topics of truth and fact, but not a person that can function, establish or maintain a working relationship in real life with real people outside the realm of PIT BULL OWNERS. I don't know this, just like you don't know much about me, but based on what I, and so many others see on here, you have created an online society (private one mind you) that you have become god and you exercise that authority in an unapologetic manner that benefits no one but you and your desire to prove you are right/correct about something. Not that any of this is true in any way shape or form, but it's the same type of progressive assumption one, as myself, could make about you with limited information I have about you, just as you do with me for not condemning others who feed kibble DOG FOOD or take pictures of their dogs and post on line.
As for the coaching comparison, I'm glad you brought it up. I'm an extremely accomplished coach actually. I am the Athletic Director, Head Football Coach and Head Boys and Girls Track Coach in a small HS in Texas. It's a rare combination as few AD's are head track coaches of both boys and girls, much less one or the other. I've set State Records in two relay races in my career and should break the 4x400 relay record, set in 1975, in the AA Girls Division. I've gone to losing football programs and posted 2 different "Dave Campbell's Texas High School Football" Magazine "Top Turnarounds In the State". DC FB mag is equivalent to the Tx HS football bible here. Bottom line, I can coach. I think a lot of my ability to get the most out of kids is doing exactly what you are talking about...........HOWEVER - you and I have slightly different approaches.
You are correct, I do not COMPLIMENT laziness or lack of achieving one's best. However, I also do not go to that athlete and tell them EVERY time, that "You know joe - what you are doing is b/c YOU ARE LAZY. For you to think your laziness is anything other than rationalization is moronic." That type of language, or approach will not get me what I need from this athlete for them to be their best. I have the "Winner's Bible" (my formula, thoughts and methods to achieve great things with these athletes) but if I don't know how to make it palatable for them to take and use on their own, then I have failed as a coach. I can still be an expert about everything I am right about, but if I am coaching someone to do something, there is only so much I can do as a coach and being perceived as insulting in any sense loses my audience instantly and rarely, do I ever get them back.
You would be equivalent to so many coaches I see who really really know their sport and man, if you want to learn more as a coach to add to your "coaching toolbox" you'd be the guy to see. However, none of these kids (or adults in this forum or any other) care about how much you know until they know how much you care. NOW - I'm not getting sappy, b/c we all grown folks, but the bottom line is your approach to "helping" people by calling a spade a spade and so forth turns way more people off than you ever turn on. I can't think of anyone on this forum or any other place I've ever been, on the phone with, on an email with, that ever had anything to say about you other than, "Yeah, he knows his shit and probably more than anyone out there - but man, what a ******". I know you probably don't care about that, but since you like to point about YOUR PERCEIVED FACTS ABOUT ME and my laziness and incompetence, I thought I'd return "The Spade" by pointing out you're an asshole.
You got a gift for sure. I think you are incredibly talented and have offered more to the breed than anyone I can really think of. The information in your materials are unparalleled and have helped, most likely, THOUSANDS of dogs, including mine. For this, I thank you and whether anyone out there wants to admit it, they thank you too. I also think you are extremely insulting to a ton of people on a forum, that you have created, proven to be the best on the internet and you control, AND THEY HAVE PAID YOU MONEY FOR.
I don't say any of this out of malice, but out of honest "spade a spade" kind of truth as I owe it to you for being so honest with me. I really think you are a great guy, with a great heart who does great things for dogs. You just come off as an asshole a lot.
Thanks for the convo and have a great weekend.