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Thread: Black widow, the power behind the throne and old ways

  1. #11
    As to not selling dogs . My family has never sold a dog since 1884 , first documented proof of ownership of the breed with in my family. My family is Irish Gypsy and believe it to be bad luck . I can put you in touch with dogmen who own my stock if you want their take lol The Red Devil dogs are smart , not dumb like Red Boy stock Mike mixed in . They are firing on all cylinders though when mixed with the Busenbark blood as soon as the air hits the lungs ! Last one I kept that came on biting everything , ya I dont like waiting . Some people like dogs that move like old people fucking . Not me .

  2. #12
    I put two dogs in the hands of cousins who wanted to get into training . Two are fully trained and one is working on a ratting title at ten months so they have some smarts even in the hands of novices . I did my first breeding in 1994 so seen a few pups turn out .

  3. #13
    Also lets think about this . If In was producing or anyone for that matter high percentage working dogs ....why would I let them out ? Im not in the dogs for money or fame .

  4. #14
    I could not figure out how to delete my posts ! Sorry to hijack the thread , it got off topic I believe from the initial post . I could have fit it all in one post as well ! Dogs are smarter than me pre coffee !

  5. #15
    You didn't high jack anything. It would be good to get I touch with people with stock like that. I didn't know I'd start getting so "particular" about where pups I bred were. I don't realize how much time and work comes into making a pup. If you are serious about it.

  6. #16
    When my sister passed she asked me to promote the bred she loved , the American Pit Bull Terrier . So about ten years ago I began showing the APBT in ADBA conformation shows . That is how I started getting involved with others in the breed. Before that we kept entire litters with only family . The family was more into race horses I suppose and I ended up with the curse of Bulldog Fever I suppose . But it has been quite good , Ive met and befriended some great people . Mr.Bill , Hunterman , Gravyman, Iron Mike , Mr.Kelly , The Irish Boys and many more fanciers across the USA . As we all know , some of the people and greats really behind the dogs you never hear of as well Ive been able to pick their brain . Very Blessed in the dogs I suppose but the greatest lesson I ever learned is , COMPASSION . Mr. Bill's wife once said to Hunterman and Mr.Bill before a show , the pit bull has the hardest life of any animal on the face of earth you know . I raise mine all as family as many before have devouted their lives and freedom for our beloved dogs . God Bless the APBT and have a good day everyone .

  7. #17
    I agree with you. They have a hard life. Life shouldn't be easy. You know the whole saying about tough times and easy times breeding weak men. I did my time on the football field. Knocked people out. Dislocated shoulder. Torn labrum. I went back in the game 10 minutes later. Because my team needed me. I respect gameness. I had more brains and gameness than raw talent. I guess you find lines that mirror your personality. Never screwed any one over. Attacked someone I was smaller than. I have put myself in danger what I thought was the greater good. If your going to breed a dog with those qualities. At some point they have to prove it. If not the breed will fade. That being said. The dogs should have the best life possible. Don't breed more than you feed. Take care of any injuries. I was serious when I said things like being able to work on your dog has to come into your breeding decisions. That's probably how some lines got good with kids. I have gone to some confirmation shows. I'm going back. Prob start a post on weight pull. Abner would be good at it. The way he's built. Perfect for it. Good back end and solid. Starting to work on plans for kennels like garner built. Probably start a post on that. Met a construction guy today. My friend can run a tractor and excavator. Let me start the weight pull one.

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