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Thread: ((( THE SITE HAS BEEN SOLD )))

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    The Pit Bull Bible Online APBT Database is for sale for $20,000.
    It is available to whomever has the money, and who wants to take on this lifetime project to keep it going.
    I have done all of the important groundwork to get it started, putting in uncountable hours, articles, etc.
    I simply do not have the time (or interest) to do so any longer.
    The prospective buyer should have the time + intelligence + credentials to run it properly
    If you feel you qualify, you basically have a turnkey operation at your fingertips.
    I have the documentation to prove it can make you more money per-year than the interest earned from a quarter-million in a CD.
    Email me for more details, thank you. Serious inquiries only.

    Thank you everybody who has participated here, but my New Year's Resolution is to get out of dogs completely, for good.
    For this reason, I will not be posting here anymore (no more articles, nothing).
    The only exception will be to help with any kind of life-threatening emergency.
    Other than that, I will only monitor the content of the board for appropriateness.

    If this website sells, I will set the buyer up on his own server, and provide 10 hours worth of assistance to help them figure it out.
    I will promise them full-functionality before I release the content, but after that, the buyer is on his own.
    The buyer will have to get his own computer coder for any upgrades.

    If the site does not sell, it will go down at the end of the year.

    Thanks again and Happy New Year,


    PS: However, my brother will provide services/fixes, when glitches happen, for 10% of the income paid every month.
    But actual improvements (upgrades, new ideas) will have to from your own coder or whatever deal you work out with my brother.

  2. #12
    I understand your move buddy and wish you all the success in the world... These dogs bring out the absolute worse in people.. It's horrible the way the dog game is now.. Again I wish you the best on your new ventures as I know or will not be half assed. Take care my man!!!!

    PS. We've always said it'll be a sad day when Jack exits stage left

  3. #13
    Jack best of luck in your future endeavours, you've made a massive contribution to the game and for that I for one am grateful, your books and this website have been a huge help to me throughout my time with these dogs. I hope whoever takes the rains here do it justice and at least maintain the information that's already here.

    Can you share the link to your nature photography website? Or even pm it to me, it is something I'd be very interested in seeing?


  4. #14
    Good luck Jack with your future endeavors. I too share your sentiments to what has happened to the dog game. I see so many dogs today being bred that do not even look or adhere to the older standards of what a true Pit Bull Terrier looks like. See more large catch weight Bull dog types than the smaller (to me) more desirable Bull Terrier type dogs.

    Read all these rumors and topics of those who can now inject dogs with a rub. That help's said dog win easily over it's opponent. Whether true or not, when one sees or hears of known dog men who know how to properly condition a dog. Their dogs pulling up and quitting in short order. Something has gone wrong, how could one compete with any degree of confidence.

    You are right, many so called dog men of my time era took poor care of their dogs. If their dog lost to poor care and lack of proper conditioning, were quick to blame the dog and the breeder of the dog,rather than themselves.

    Nothing I am seeing whether in these dogs or other human endeavors are improving that much as a whole. Appears World War III is just around the corner. With the cost of living today in all areas of our lives. I do not see how a honest working person could even maintain a yard of dogs today and properly take care of a family.

    Just IMHO,sure others are much more optimistic which is fine as well. Glad I got to add some in site from my time era. My subscription on the on lines pedigree site is winding down also. Will not be renewing it as well.

    Like yourself I too have more important things to do with what remains of my life. One being the proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through my local Church, spending time with family,my grand children and hopefully to see some great grands. May the God of Abraham/Issac/Jacob's blessing be upon You/Your Family and all the members on this site and the other site. Amen

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    Good luck Jack with your future endeavors. I too share your sentiments to what has happened to the dog game. I see so many dogs today being bred that do not even look or adhere to the older standards of what a true Pit Bull Terrier looks like. See more large catch weight Bull dog types than the smaller (to me) more desirable Bull Terrier type dogs.

    Read all these rumors and topics of those who can now inject dogs with a rub. That help's said dog win easily over it's opponent. Whether true or not, when one sees or hears of known dog men who know how to properly condition a dog. Their dogs pulling up and quitting in short order. Something has gone wrong, how could one compete with any degree of confidence.

    You are right, many so called dog men of my time era took poor care of their dogs. If their dog lost to poor care and lack of proper conditioning, were quick to blame the dog and the breeder of the dog,rather than themselves.

    Nothing I am seeing whether in these dogs or other human endeavors are improving that much as a whole. Appears World War III is just around the corner. With the cost of living today in all areas of our lives. I do not see how a honest working person could even maintain a yard of dogs today and properly take care of a family.

    Just IMHO,sure others are much more optimistic which is fine as well. Glad I got to add some in site from my time era. My subscription on the on lines pedigree site is winding down also. Will not be renewing it as well.

    Like yourself I too have more important things to do with what remains of my life. One being the proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through my local Church, spending time with family,my grand children and hopefully to see some great grands. May the God of Abraham/Issac/Jacob's blessing be upon You/Your Family and all the members on this site and the other site. Amen

    You have enriched this place greatly, good sir, so make sure you still visit and drop by ... same as I will

    I just don't have the time to *run* this place ... the way it needs to be run ... but I will still add every photo/video I have, eventually, as time permits.

    Hope you keep doing so too, and Cheers & Happy New Year to you and yours


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MISTER View Post
    I understand your move buddy and wish you all the success in the world... These dogs bring out the absolute worse in people.. It's horrible the way the dog game is now.. Again I wish you the best on your new ventures as I know or will not be half assed. Take care my man!!!!

    PS. We've always said it'll be a sad day when Jack exits stage left
    Quote Originally Posted by Macker View Post
    Jack best of luck in your future endeavours, you've made a massive contribution to the game and for that I for one am grateful, your books and this website have been a huge help to me throughout my time with these dogs. I hope whoever takes the rains here do it justice and at least maintain the information that's already here.

    Can you share the link to your nature photography website? Or even pm it to me, it is something I'd be very interested in seeing?

    Thanks alot fellas ... sincerely.

    And, you bet, every bit of information that's on here, stays on here.


  7. #17
    Jack if you decide to breed Amazon, please share a pup or two from her.

  8. #18
    Its a credit to you and your bro for creating a very cool site, yes the Ferrari in the dog world... Ive enjoyed reading all books, blogs, sections etc very very interesting ; have gained so much knowledge Cheers

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyRed View Post
    Jack if you decide to breed Amazon, please share a pup or two from her.
    Will do ... will definitely post here, if I decide to.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by matt View Post
    Its a credit to you and your bro for creating a very cool site, yes the Ferrari in the dog world... Ive enjoyed reading all books, blogs, sections etc very very interesting ; have gained so much knowledge Cheers
    Thank you good sir.

    I have 3 people I am discussing the sale with right now, 2 seem very interested, one seems like a tire-kicker.

    Will post the announcement if/when it happens.

    After that, slowly-but-surely all the rest of The Pit Bull Bible will get placed onto here, as time permits.


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