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Thread: Great dog with no papers

  1. #41

    Re: Great dog with no papers

    People talk all That Stuff about NOt Breeding without Papers and a High Percentage of Gamedogs in Past and Present Historys papers aint right!! So with that bein said if you had a GREAT 1 You wouldnt Breed em ? i think you would!! JMO

  2. #42

    Re: Great dog with no papers

    no papers mean just that, not registered thru a corporation "kennel Club" nothing else.

    not neccessarily unknow linage.

    little history lesson:

    in the olden days only pit champions were able to get registered.

    today having a piece of paper saying so and so is my mommy n daddy with a forged signature will suffice.

  3. #43

    Re: Great dog with no papers

    I'd try to get a full sister or close relative if possible. If the full sister or close relative was a good dog also i'd breed them together and hope for good results. Other than that I'd let him live out his life. He earned it.

  4. #44

    Re: Great dog with no papers

    A friend of mine has a Gr Ch that no one is sure on how his mom is bred, he know how the dad is bred, the thing is though is he has been breedin him and got a 1xw and many prospects that are looking dam good in school off of this Gr Ch. He just making sure he is breedin him to well bred females.

  5. #45

    Re: Great dog with no papers

    Some of my better dogs had no papers. If there good there good point blank.

  6. #46
    Bump up for 2020...

  7. #47
    Interesting thread.

    if I were to have a great one but had no idea how it was bred I would still take a top female to him, cull hard and if anything worked out take one of his offspring back to him and go from there...

    If he didn't produce anything of note in said litter then I probably wouldn't breed him again but would make sure he had a comfortable home for the rest of his days.

  8. #48
    If I had the extra land maybe with a female, to my best producing male.. get the best female that pulled from him, then go back into her.. hope for the best like with every litter..
    Sometimes good dogs just come into your life..

  9. #49
    Are we talking unknown ped?
    If I know how the dog is bred and what’s behind it is solid absolutely I would bred it.
    No paperwork necessary.

    Completely unknown, no I wouldn’t.
    Be just my luck this great dog came from a litter of curs or substandard dogs and that’s what you’ll most likely get breeding it.

  10. #50
    Probably the most famous male dog of my time was Bass'(Wilbur Martin's Red Boy. Was not, that the dog did not have a set of papers. Just that the sire was incorrect. After EWO explained what Mr. Pulley and others of that time knew of the Stidham influence along with Lonzo Pratt's Andy-Dibo breeding. Not to mention that Chavis later reintroduced some more tight Lonzo Pratt's breeding with more Red Boy breeding into the Jocko line. The Rast's Queenie bitch was from Mr. Cable and had Stidham- Williams- Dibo descended dogs.

    Once I did some test breeding on this site to some of those dogs and looked at the 14th generation. I saw why that this basically three way cross of Cable- Stidham, V.J.'s Hank- Jim Williams, Corvino-Dibo and Lonzo'-Dibo-Williams dogs made a great nick. IMHO, it was V.J.'s Hank dog that was the catalyst that brought it all together and gave those dogs that hybrid vigor and ruggedness.

    Most of those dogs especially the last dogs Mr. Gainey had. Looked like the old Jim Williams dogs. Big boned rugged dogs, being bigger pound for pound than most of their opponents.
    Last edited by CYJ; 11-11-2020 at 10:13 PM. Reason: spelling

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