Originally Posted by
Don't know were you read that I've put in work. I really don't care who put in more work. Certain "People" have been putting in 1000+ pedigrees to help build your database, and you're calling it quits. That's quite a shame I'd say. "Thank you for participating"
Here are some FACTS that you need to come to terms with so you can see straight:
- Exactly 4 people, other than myself, have put in over 1000 pedigrees.
- Besides putting in over 1000 pedigrees, and besides my contributing more than 6250 posts, not to mention writing every single article, blog entry, and creating every video on here ... I have also BUILT THIS PLACE ... envisioned the concept, the statistical storage, the full-functionality ... ... and paid the $150/mo server fee ... not to mention paying my brother $20,000 for his help ... so please don't cry to me about "the work of others," okay?
Honestly, the most important fact you need to understand is this:
If you, or anyone else, feels truly passionate about protecting the "work" here, then man-up and do something about it 
I am offering this place for what I paid my brother.
My work, everything that I have done, you get for free.
Invest $20,000 and make a residual income as if you just invested $250,000 into a CD.
That is a pretty good deal by any standard.
So don't sit here and cry boo-hoo to me.
Only women and children "cry and complain" ...
Men take action and do something, if they want something 
If you want to protect the work that's gone in here, then pony-up the money and keep it under your protection.
If you want to make sure this place is "run with integrity" ... then RUN IT with integrity 
But don't sit there on your hands "wishing someone else" would do the work, make the effort, and put in the time ... it's an embarrassment to your manhood.
Fair enough?
I have contributed my share, and I will keep ALL of the work people have put in here, safe, including my own.
But I am not obligated to provide service to you, or anyone else, for the rest of my life.
My situation has changed, and I have interests and concerns that are MORE important to me, and that require my full attention.
Therefore I am offering this place to anyone who is INTERESTED ENOUGH ... and LEADER ENOUGH to keep the vision going.
If that is you, then step up.
But if it is not, then step back.
Again, fair enough?
"If your hose is too short, and your pump is too weak;
Stand a little closer, dude, or you'll piss on your feet."