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Thread: supplements

  1. #1


    I use big dog racing supplements for greyhounds their multivitamin, electrolites, calcium and a blood builder iron supplement doubt you guys would have the same brand but is there anything else i should add or just out of interest does anyone else add things like this and if so id be interested to know what??

  2. #2
    There is a company out here called Thomas Labs that makes a ton of these kinds of products.

    Many people use Greyhound specialty items, like Kidney Ease, for their animals in training ...


  3. #3
    i could go broke on there mate hahaha lucky its 3am the missus not awake to catch me. Would you feed them that everyday?

  4. #4
    LMAO, I understand

    I think only after hard workouts, I can't remember actually.


  5. #5
    I use a few things to supplement, most of which have been discussed before.

    Mostly I use Salmon oil each day, and Apple cider vinegar (the organic one with the mother in it, usually Bragg brand) a few times a week.

    I also feed plain yogurt every day, a few spoonfulls as a treat. I have some powdered kelp and will give about a 1/2 teaspoon maybe once or twice a week.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  6. #6
    Yeah i give sprint oil its an omega 3+6 oil for racing greyhounds my biggest problem is nearest shop is 700km away and most your brands we dont have here once a year i do a road trip to get supplys or order online

  7. #7
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    i like alaskan salmon oil that you buy in the bottle. diamatacious earth is also a good natural supplement to keep help keep the parasites out. theres also a product called "solid gold sea meal" and it works great for skin & coat and also helps aid in the digestion and pro bitotics department. those along with a good quality feed should be all good for your dogs.

    theres also a product out there called "red cell", but unless your puttin one through keep, i dont really see the need for it........but then again i could be blind at times! lol

  8. #8
    I give a blood builder 3 times a week for red blood cells

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CRISIS View Post
    i like alaskan salmon oil that you buy in the bottle. diamatacious earth is also a good natural supplement to keep help keep the parasites out. theres also a product called "solid gold sea meal" and it works great for skin & coat and also helps aid in the digestion and pro bitotics department. those along with a good quality feed should be all good for your dogs.
    Yeah I give the wild caught Alaskan Salmon oil too, it is good stuff. I noticed that the price has gone up, I suppose that is because of the shortage of salmon these days. I usually buy the 66 oz bottle off of Amazon with free shipping but it is a lot higher than it was last year.

    Do you give the Diatomaceous Earth orally or do you use it on their bedding? I read all sorts of claims about how it will worm a dog if you feed it to them but since it works by cutting the hard outer skeleton of an insect and drying them out, I can't see how it would work too well on worms which are soft bodied?

    The Solid Gold Sea Meal is good stuff but it is expensive and most of it is just powdered kelp, so I just give a little powdered kelp here and there for minerals and vitamins.

    Oh and I also give some minced raw garlic occasionally, and sometimes a little local raw honey.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  10. #10
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    As far as th DE goes id say all of the above, it kills anything with an exo skeleton...
    Orally kills internal parasites
    Kennel or chainspot flooring helps prevent parasites
    Dustbathing dog kills fleas
    Beddinh helps prevent fleas n lice

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