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Thread: Breeding My Bitch

  1. #1

    Breeding My Bitch

    my partner had brung his female to my yard so that we can make a breeding today and she was flagging him but he wasnt really interseted (he will smell her and walk away). As he got closer to her he and the girl had start fightig( they had there mouths taped) so we broke them apart and let them sit for awhile to cool off.
    Around 15 min later we tried again but my boy was still trying to win her over and not breed.
    We later took them outside because i felt that he was probably just being territorial. When i allowed them in the field i let my boy off the leash. He stated to play, roll, and run around. Once he started to run around he bacame a little intersted in her and was smelling her (once again she had flagged him with her tail) later he tried to mount her but she went crazy. later she calmed down and let him mount her, once he mounted her again he was going in but not becoming stuck so he hoped off of her and started trying to fight her again.

    How can i get these two dogs to breed becuase i have never been in this situation only when i had To AI one of my dogs. (Why were they not sticking)

  2. #2

    Re: Breeding My Bitch

    If you want to breed your dogs like a pro:

    • 1. Do not just let them run loose;
      [list:21izn00g]a) Have the male on a chain and back the bitch up to him;
      b) Never let either dog look the other in the face.

    2. Breed by Artificial Insemination.[/list:u:21izn00g]
    Good luck,



  3. #3

    Re: Breeding My Bitch

    Oooh breeding dogs can be so much fun HAHA! Since I do everything alone, most of the time. I like Jack said, keep my male on the chain, and tie off my bitch to the picnic table, muzzled if needed, until I get him in and them tied up. They arent trying to date, they are trying to mate, get in and get out LOL!

  4. #4

    Re: Breeding My Bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Feelin_Froggy
    They arent trying to date, they are trying to mate, get in and get out LOL!
    First time ive ever heard that. Too funny

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