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Thread: Ped of the 1*w from unknow will be on the bible tonigh

  1. #1

    Ped of the 1*w from unknow will be on the bible tonigh

    Unknow kennel

  2. #2
    Good, glad to see you using the database

    If you make any mistakes, please let me know and don't just leave them there, but the tutorials should show be pretty clear now (I hope!)


  3. #3
    Wow, great job, buddy.

    You managed to add another 357 to the database, as well as another Miss Superbuck, and you called yourself 3 different kennel names (unknow, unknown, unknown kennels). Oh, but it doesn't end there: you failed to add about 7 apostrophes ... you also entered in a dog as "Mr.357" instead of "Mr. 357" ... because you're too lazy to push the space bar between "Mr." and "357" ... AND because you didn't bother to watch my videos and learn how to do it the right way.

    In a nutshell, you didn't take the time to be precise in your data entry, all of which caused (and will continue to cause) me to do a lot of work


    I've corrected a few of your errors, but I've still got to do more work.

    Thanks bud, I sure do appreciate your sloppiness.

    Question: What must I do to get you (and people like you) TO ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND the importance of being precise in your data entry

  4. #4
    Question: What must I do to get you (and people like you) TO ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND the importance of being precise in your data entry
    i quess there is 3 options.

    1. keep getting angry
    2. look for moderators to clean mistakes and warn members.
    3. try to code it so good that it won't leave space for mistakes

  5. #5
    No, there are actually more options than that ... remove the privileges of the lazy or intellectually-challenged

    FYI, there is no "code" that can prevent human sloppiness

    Since you seem to be so smart, go ahead and explain how can one create a "code" that prevents one person from putting in Evolution Kennel's Miss Superbuck, another from putting in Evolution Kennels' Miss Superbuck, and a third from putting in Evolution Kennels Miss Superbuck? (or Super Buck)?

    Or how bout a 4th genius from putting in EK's Miss Superbuck?

    Or a 5th from putting in EKs Miss Super Buck?

    Or any of a thousand WRONG ways (or combination of wrong ways) to enter a dog?

    Go ahead and explain how to write such a code ... or maybe you can tell my brother how to do it ... as he only makes $350/hr as a professional software developer for little companies like General Motors, Bank of America, etc.

    No, buddy, there IS NO "code" than can overcome human stupidity, poor spelling, and downright laziness. You can only educate and request compliance with the proper method.

    No "code" can overcome bad spelling and totally different names.


  6. #6
    So here are my real choices:

    1. Learn not to give a shit about poor data entry, and let every idiot put in whatever they want;
    2. Continue to stress the importance of proper data entry for the benefit of everyone and try to get members to comply;
    3. (You're right) Hire moderators to clean the mistakes;
    4. Start culling those who are either too incompetent to "get it" ... or too lazy to bother learning ... because these people ruin the integrity of what could be a great resource IF people follow the protocol.

    And I choose 2 - 4


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post
    i quess there is 3 options.

    1. keep getting angry
    2. look for moderators to clean mistakes and warn members.
    3. try to code it so good that it won't leave space for mistakes
    ROTFALMFAO, Jack, I am going to have to side with R2L on this one. I have my own database and I have myself input 10,000 plus entries. BECAUSE of that I have kept my database squeaky clean with no mistakes. However, most of the members have not had that experience, probably don't hold a law degree, and just aren't as detail oriented as we are. I mean... Cmoooon, if it's someone who will do a dog with an hct of 31, and an rbc count of 4.9, what do you think are the odds that he can Input a pedigree with no errors? Slim to none. Maybe you can add a function that states, "xyz dog is very similar to what you are entering. Are you sure it's not this dog?" Even if you do that, I am sure that you'll have members mess up simply because, well... they can't read, have poor comprehension skills, aren't detailed, and last but not least, THEY ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID. So, i feel your pain, but i dont think it will get better. The wall of shame and moderators have to clean up the stupidity of the illiterate retards.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Well if I did it wrong my bad I just put in what's on the paper this why I just shouldn't put it on at all cause this world is full of perfect people who dont make misstake in life I guest. In evo why u keep trying to shoot at me about the hct in rbc on paw grow jack I will just delete the whole ped

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by unknow kennel View Post
    Well if I did it wrong my bad I just put in what's on the paper this why I just shouldn't put it on at all cause this work is full of perfect people I guest. In evo why u keep trying to shoot at me about the hct in rbc on paw grow jack I will just delete the whole ped
    1. That's not the point. The point is to get people to use it correctly. Let me ask you this. On the right side of the forum.... Did you not read and watch all the video tutorials? Obviously answer is no. Why do you think the tutorials are there? Do you think they went through the trouble of making those tutorials if you arent willing to click on it and watch it

    2.Because you have never manned up and said, "I Flocked up, it was my fault, I did what I did REGARDLESS of you telling me not to do it, Rob telling me not to do it, KBK telling me not to do it, red telling me not to do it, I did it because I am ignorant where it pertains to biology, and I thought I can fill a car with water and win a race." That is why... To this day... You haven't manned up, you ruined a good dog, and you did it because you were full of yourself. You put your pride, your glory, all of that before the well being of your animal. MAN UP.

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