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Thread: Best stuff to bring the hair back

  1. #1

    Best stuff to bring the hair back

    How long does that stuff take to work that you sell Jack?

  2. #2

    Depends on why the hair is missing.

    If it's destroyed, scarred tissue, nothing will bring it back. If you have a wound, properly close it, apply my Wound Care, and then the Poultice you can come back looking almost brand new.

    If you're just talking about a hot spot, or collar rot, my Poultice will clear that stuff up in about a week.

    So when you say, "How long does it take to work?", there is no way to answer that without you first stating what the problem is


  3. #3
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Golden State

  4. #4

    Both are sulphur derivatives, but I've used Sulfadine and it is more irritating and is not as effective.

  5. #5
    how important do you guys think it really is to use something on the bold spots.
    how sure can you be, something wouldnt have healed when u didnt put anything on it
    i dont want to say with this post that stuff doesnt work, but i never put something on the scars and the hair always grows back just fine. time, and a little bit of sun

  6. #6
    Again, it really depends on the nature/extent of the wound you're talking about.

    I have seen some amazing hair restoration ... and also cases that never healed.

    By itself, the body is an amazing "natural healer" ... and, with the right help, it can be even more amazing.

    Still, there are some things that will just not heal, so again it all depends on what we're talking about.

  7. #7
    Hot spots can and will get infected. I've tried everything. Best so far is wash with chlorexhedine, then put jacks poultice

  8. #8
    My lil butch got nipped but the skin didn't really break just the hair is gone now.

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