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Thread: Bone deformation

  1. #1

    Bone deformation

    Have a lil pup who I think has a small bone deformation. His elbows are pointed outward where as it makes his paws close together , which gives him a hard time running and keeping up with other pups. I have him on calcium pills for his bones and it seems he was loosened up a bit not not much. I decided that if I took him on some walks with more exercise it might help a bit but after awhile he slows down and have trouble walking again. Any advise would be great

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by bently View Post
    Have a lil pup who I think has a small bone deformation. His elbows are pointed outward where as it makes his paws close together , which gives him a hard time running and keeping up with other pups. I have him on calcium pills for his bones and it seems he was loosened up a bit not not much. I decided that if I took him on some walks with more exercise it might help a bit but after awhile he slows down and have trouble walking again. Any advise would be great
    Your one pup may have a genetic defect ... or ... he may be the first in his litter to get ricketts, and you may start seeing the others follow suit.

    Ricketts is caused by malnutrition, lack of calcium/vitamin d, and lack of sunlight.
    The solution is easy: make sunlight available to the pups, and provide a good healthy diet with calcium/bones & vitamin d supplementation (e.g., a little cod liver oil).

    What are you feeding your pups (exactly), where are you keeping them, and are they getting enough sunlight?

    Thanks & good luck,


  3. #3
    I doubt he has ricketts. When I went to pick him up he was on a chain spot, as well as all the other young dogs. And I picked up more than one pup , all healthy and active. He is being fed taste of wild, and he is being kept inside because of legs, I don't want for him being on a chain being to much stress on his legs. He is outside often. Around 4 times a day with about hour to hour and a half walk. As I said he has been improving with the walks and calcium pills but very slowly. Vet said it just looked like he just was Bo-leg and nothing serious or life threatening. Let me add that after about 30mim of exercise he starts to slow down and it almost appear that it hurts for him to walk. If I extend his front legs out with my hand it doesn't extend 180 degrees but more like 160 degrees and very tight , but he shows no pain if u stretch or extend it far.

    Should I try some joint supplements ?

  4. #4
    I will try to show some pics

  5. #5
    How old is the pup? Depending on the age, a hour to an hour and halfs walk can be to much of a walk for the little fellow.

  6. #6
    3 months. he is doing better guys I found out the problem and got the solution. thnx

  7. #7
    And what was that?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    And what was that?
    it was just a small birth defect, and with exercise and the calcium joint supplement that it should improve. as of right now he is moving around alot better than what he was before, and now he is able to even run without it looking painful in a way. so yes it is improving

  9. #9
    That is a rank amateur chain set up (laplinks, are you serious?).

    It's hard to say anything's wrong with him.

    May just look awkward from going through a growth spurt.

    But I would seriously learn how to make a proper chain setup before you do anything else, otherwise your pup will be dead (or escape) long before he ever grows up.

    That is Bulldog Basics 101.


  10. #10
    I usually try to walk him often to loosen it up, but about 15min into a walk, he legs are under his chest, feet close together, where he puts one foot over another to's weird. "Almost like how a man walks a tight rope"

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