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Thread: treadmill question.

  1. #1

    treadmill question.

    How many time should rotate a treadmill if you push it with your hand...i ask this because we get a treadmill wich only make two times, i think is very little. And finally: how negative can be for dog this? can affect his health or only the keep?

  2. #2
    If you ask 10 people you will probably get 10 different opinions. I have one slatmill at the moment and it does about 4 turns with a good push. Thats about how i like them. You can probably do some adjustments to your mill to make it a bit more free spinning. Imo it's not as much about the spins as to get rid of vibrations. And most important use it with a bit of common sense. You can have the best mill in the world but if you overwork a dog it's pretty much useless.

  3. #3
    Common sense is the key there... How many times should it turn? How hard should u push it? idk. Put a dog on it and see if you like it and if it will work for what you need it for, make adjustments accordingly. Best thing i can tell you.

  4. #4
    Amount of turns dont tell you anything.

    Might be a good mill for you, i find training at working pace better then a 100% free spinning slat

  5. #5
    i think that if it turns slow will give me more strength than stamina....if i push it with my hands will give two turns so the dog have to make more effort and build more muscle, but what happen when i have to work stamina.....??

  6. #6
    Belt length, weight, momentum play the biggest role in turns. You should probably pay more attention to how easy it is to turn one time rather than how many times the belt can carry itself around after being spun hard. Your dog isn't gonna give it one big spin with all it's might to get 10 turns. If it turns very easy with your finger you're good.

  7. #7
    Post a video of a dog working it slow and fast. Demonstrate it like R. Lemm the mill maker did his on the You tube. The only way to tell is seeing it run. Dog should not be straining on it. If it is straining could hurt the foot pads/ligaments and kidneys.

    Or compare yours to how Lemms or Dog trotters mills etc. works on the You Tube. Cheers

  8. #8
    My mill has a adjustable brake on the bottom Maybe yours do also.

  9. #9

  10. #10

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