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Thread: Tripe

  1. #1


    I have not tried using tripe in a keep but I saw some at the grocery store the other day and all they had was honeycomb tripe already bleached. I've always read green tripe is the way to go but is bleached tripe still a good nutritional source for a dog and what added benefits come with it's use?
    Creek Bottom

  2. #2
    No, the bleached tripe from the grocery store has lost all the nutrients. The green tripe that stinks is the one to feed. It has lots of enzymes and is very good for the dogs but it is a bit rich so you would not feed it everyday. I buy it frozen and feed it once a week.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  3. #3
    So it would be pointless to use it would only act as a filler?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by creek_bottom View Post
    So it would be pointless to use it would only act as a filler?
    Humm... good question. I suppose it would be just a filler since the nutrients are processed out of it.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  5. #5
    There would be some nutritional value there but the majority, or at least the parts one is looking for would be gone. PETCO carries the cans. Most stores do not keep it in stock but it can be ordered from the website. BARF distributors are a good source for the frozen chubs. I buy the five pound chubs and saw them into patties while frozen. It limits the handling once thaw as this stuff stinks to the high heavens. It will pretty much gag a maggot.

    I use it about two, sometimes three times a week for normal feeding, and then three to four during hard work. The guy that turned me onto it years ago only uses a heaping tablespoon full at a time. My patties are about 4-6 ounces. He says I waste it as half my amount will serve the purpose. Not sure about the amounts? EWO

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Jack is the information you posted for green tripe or cleaned honeycomb tripe?

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