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Thread: Older Dog

  1. #1

    Older Dog

    Whats the best diet to promote a healthy sperm count? How much exercise ?

  2. #2

    Re: Older Dog

    I feed Silverback my all-raw diet, and I add oils (wheat germ, flax, cod liver) to his meal ... along with tribulus (for semen) and saw palmetto (for prostate).



  3. #3

    Re: Older Dog

    Do you walk him every night ? I'm not sure about the science behind it, but I think walking him at night and letting him mark his territory at every phone poll also gets the juices flowing. What are your thoughts on the exercise piece?

  4. #4

    Re: Older Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by evolutionkennels
    Do you walk him every night ? I'm not sure about the science behind it, but I think walking him at night and letting him mark his territory at every phone poll also gets the juices flowing. What are your thoughts on the exercise piece?

    I don't really walk him with a leash, per se, but I do live on 50 acres and he has ~3 cleared acres to roam around on, and he hikes his leg on just about everything he can.

    He is also surrounded by bitches at the house, rotating between the 3 I have now, so I think that is keeping him "forever youthful" ...

  5. #5

    Re: Older Dog

    That would keep me youthful as well

  6. #6

    Re: Older Dog

  7. #7

    Re: Older Dog

    lmao. You boys.....

    Jack, do you add any more fruits/veggies to your older dogs raw diets than their younger peers? I've read that they give dogs the same benefits and protection from free radicals as humans, and therefore some people are starting to incorporate a heartier portion of the fruits/veggies. A vet I used to work for split her senior Dobie's raw food up into 50-50 portions of roughage and proteins, and he continued to produce well naturally until after his 14th birthday.

  8. #8

    Re: Older Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by QCKLime
    lmao. You boys.....
    Jack, do you add any more fruits/veggies to your older dogs raw diets than their younger peers? I've read that they give dogs the same benefits and protection from free radicals as humans, and therefore some people are starting to incorporate a heartier portion of the fruits/veggies. A vet I used to work for split her senior Dobie's raw food up into 50-50 portions of roughage and proteins, and he continued to produce well naturally until after his 14th birthday.
    Boys? I am on the verge of being elderly :cry:

    In all seriousness, when I am at the top of my game, yes, I give Silverback a rotation of assorted fruits & veggies with his diet, as with all of my dogs.

    Today he's getting carrots, celery, garlic, haberno peper, tomatoes, apples, and oranges

  9. #9

    Re: Older Dog

    hahaha, men never age in spirit, just a bunch of peter pans running things

    Good to know. I've got a male coming to me that's about seven, but allegedly isn't in the best of health and they're unsure if he's missed in his last few breedings or if it's been on account of the bitches he was bred to (being very old, very wormy/unhealthy, unsure of whether she was really in, etc and so forth). He also only has one descended testicle, but they don't know if he's simply cryptorchid or an actual monorchid. I was planning on basing his diet off of the diets set forth by Primal Raw Foods and The Honest Kitchen (which has meals which are composed of ONLY fruits/vegetables) along with a good supplement/oil regimen and seeing how it worked for him. I'm sure any sort of improvement on living situation and feed will surely help, but I'm looking at a lot of raw/homeopathic diets for older studs, and a LOT of them are pushing the increase of green/colorful roughage for lasting producing potential.

  10. #10

    Re: Older Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by QCKLime
    hahaha, men never age in spirit, just a bunch of peter pans running things

    Quote Originally Posted by QCKLime
    Good to know. I've got a male coming to me that's about seven, but allegedly isn't in the best of health and they're unsure if he's missed in his last few breedings or if it's been on account of the bitches he was bred to (being very old, very wormy/unhealthy, unsure of whether she was really in, etc and so forth). He also only has one descended testicle, but they don't know if he's simply cryptorchid or an actual monorchid. I was planning on basing his diet off of the diets set forth by Primal Raw Foods and The Honest Kitchen (which has meals which are composed of ONLY fruits/vegetables) along with a good supplement/oil regimen and seeing how it worked for him. I'm sure any sort of improvement on living situation and feed will surely help, but I'm looking at a lot of raw/homeopathic diets for older studs, and a LOT of them are pushing the increase of green/colorful roughage for lasting producing potential.
    Not sure I would feed a dog (carnivore) 'only' fruits and vegetables for a prolonged amount of time ... but let us know how it works.

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