Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
Oh man, I just wrote a in depth article on a cable set up that combines the workout of a weight pull, flirt pole and the spring pole with use of a weighted collar if one choses to. Lost my internet connection and lost the info ...
Public Service Announcement

Heads up everyone:

Hey, we ALL have spent hours typing something ... only to have our computer crash, the breaker go off, whatever ... only to LOSE EVERYTHING ... and have to start all over again

Well, listen-up ... because you do NOT have to start all over again

Our ultra-cool forum here automatically saves what you do ... so that, if you do lose your connection (power failure, whatever), you can come back and finish what you started.

Check out this quick video I did to show you how:

Take 2 minutes to watch this, as it will DEFINITELY help everyone here at some point ...

All right fellas, back to dogs

