Has anybody here picked up a copy of L.S Zinetti's new book, the Dogmen's handbook? I got a copy, lots of good reference material and tons of keeps and nutritional info, it's packed with good stuff. Well worth a look.
Has anybody here picked up a copy of L.S Zinetti's new book, the Dogmen's handbook? I got a copy, lots of good reference material and tons of keeps and nutritional info, it's packed with good stuff. Well worth a look.
I might have to order this book. I am always looking into different conditioning methods for the dogs. Thanks for posting this.
Is he in the USA?
He's in Croatia. I bought his Balkan Gamedogs books and they came in with no problems, good books too.
He has the DOGMEN'S HANDBOOK on ebay too --
I haven't bought a copy yet but I will soon, as it looks like an interesting book.
Common sense isn't so common these days.
took delivery of mine a few weeks ago, a very good reference book, definitely one to have in your collection
I thought he was breeding English bulldogs
He bred english bulldogs and chinese chongqing dogs as well...