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Thread: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

  1. #1

    APBTC Of Southern Nevada

    Just want to let all of you Bulldog Fanciers know that we our currently in the begining Phase of getting a ADBA Club started here in Las Vegas, NV. As per ADBA regulations inorder for us to be approved we must have 30 paid members to start our Club. So with that being said, we are currently looking for members to join the Club to submit our Packet to the ADBA. Membership Fees are $20 for Individual and $30 for Family. Membership dues are from Jan 01-Dec 31 of each Calender year. If you are interested in joining please email It is important you leave full name, address, phone number, email adress and whether it will be individual registration or a family registration. No funds will be accepted till our membership Target number is reached. Hope to recieve emails from most of. Thanks to all the surrounding Clubs for showing there support. Feel free to check out our Facebook Page (currently under construction) and help us put the word out.

  2. #2

    Re: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

    Good luck to the club and that badass pup you just acquired! You know I'll support in anyway that I can. Vegas to the Bay all day!!!!

  3. #3

    Re: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

    Quote Originally Posted by teufelshund
    Just want to let all of you Bulldog Fanciers know that we our currently in the begining Phase of getting a ADBA Club started here in Las Vegas, NV. As per ADBA regulations inorder for us to be approved we must have 30 paid members to start our Club. So with that being said, we are currently looking for members to join the Club to submit our Packet to the ADBA. Membership Fees are $20 for Individual and $30 for Family. Membership dues are from Jan 01-Dec 31 of each Calender year. If you are interested in joining please email It is important you leave full name, address, phone number, email adress and whether it will be individual registration or a family registration. No funds will be accepted till our membership Target number is reached. Hope to recieve emails from most of. Thanks to all the surrounding Clubs for showing there support. Feel free to check out our Facebook Page (currently under construction) and help us put the word out.

  4. #4

    Re: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

  5. #5

    Re: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

    Very nice logos and I wish you success in your enterprise!

  6. #6

    Re: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

    Thanks Jack! Maybe someday we could get you out here for a Show! You know "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!"

  7. #7

    Re: APBTC Of Southern Nevada

    Good luck with your new club. It will be hard work to get it up and running smooth but it's worth it because the dogs need a outlet as well as the owners. Heather is a good POC for help, she works hard at helping new clubs get their paper work in order.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Wow ! what a good turn out at the show! Dont think ive ever seen so many ppl at a show

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by heritage View Post
    Wow ! what a good turn out at the show! Dont think ive ever seen so many ppl at a show
    130+ dogs....good show!

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