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Thread: Great wound care product.

  1. #1

    Great wound care product.

    If anyone is looking for a proven wound care product that isn't prescription or your run of the mill over the counter typ product that doesn't work very well, I highly recommend wonder salve. This stuff works, and it's a great product to have in your vet kit in those times that you need a serious product. I'll leave a link so that you can look into it yourself.

  2. #2
    Ditto Blade, good to hear you have found a good product that works. Just curious, what color is this salve? Years ago all the dog men in my area used a thick scarlet red liquid product. Was nick named Turkey oil. Dog have a deep long cut, cleanse wound and keep off the ground for a few days. Could dab this stuff in the wound. Wound would heal from the inside out and leave no scar with hair growing back. Wound would heal really fast.

    The vets had control of this product and it was called Scarlet Oil, how it got the nick name Turkey oil I never found out. Overtime it got very popular and was working really good,problem was it was working to good.

    Later on in the time line. I reordered a new 8 oz bottle and it was not working at all like it use too. I asked my Vet what was the deal. He told me that company had changed the formula. He had bought up some of the older stock for his own personnel use. Which he did use on a aging aunt of his that had gotten burned real bad.

    He was able with that oil to restore his Aunt's skin back to normal which was a miraculous feat. Since she had been burned real bad by a kerosene lantern over most of her body.

    There has been more wonderful healing products taken off the market by these money hungry Drug companies than what is being pushed on us today. Cheers

  3. #3
    Good find Blade!

    CYJ, ain't that the truth!


  4. #4
    Tons of good things come off the market when they work too good. I remember Scarlet oil. We had a coon dog once that when all the other dogs went under a barbwire fence he decided to go thru it, at a high rate of speed. Cuts not too deep but long and slashing. Problem was the coon doubled back and he did not learn anything the first time. A couple of weeks and ever so many pasting the dog everything healed up, no scars and the hair returned.

    I am not sure what went into Scarlet oil but a mixture of DMSO and nitrofurazone works almost as well. The salve you mentioned looks to be far safer. I will give it a whirl.


  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies back fella's! CYJ, this salve is black in color. The woman that makes this is married to a Life long Rancher and Rodeo cowboy that is from my home town, I grew up with his kids and can tell you that it's really good stuff. Unlike some of the snake oil products I've used this stuff really works. To anyone interested don't take my word on it, give it a try yourself, I bet you'll be glad you did. BTW, these good folks don't know that I'm even putting in a good word for this product, I'm telling ya'll about this stuff because it's truly a great product.

  6. #6
    How long long does it last. I know with some ointments, a little goes a long way. But with nustock, I tend to cover them head to toe with it.

  7. #7
    I guess the best way I could put it to answer your question would be that I wouldn't use this product on issues that could be taken care of with a cheaper more available product. It comes in a fairly small jar, so it's better to break it out on those wounds that need a serious product to get the job done. I hope this answered your question.

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