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Thread: Allergic reaction????

  1. #1

    Allergic reaction????

    I have a gyp that I have bred in a off ground kennel I go to feed her and notice that she's got some hives similar to ant bites I wasn't sure if I could give her meds I'm pretty sure it's a wasp cause she's always chasing bugs what's a good med for wasp/ant bites

  2. #2
    It could be mosquito bites. It's been a super wet year, so if you just had some rain recently and notice the mosquitoes are super bad that's what it could be.
    They generally disappear after a few hours, so if that happens you can be pretty sure that's what it is. Get some good quality fly spray like Endure or Tri-Tech and keep her spayed every couple days.


  3. #3

  4. #4
    I vote mosquitoes too. Benedryl would help but like SB said just a little time and they'll go away.

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