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Thread: REALLY

  1. #1
    Junior Member Strip's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Does it Really Matter


    I been getting some feed back from people who are not in these dogs like we are, from Tv, internet, and some who i interact with. I respect most people opinion, I try to be open minded for the most part. I see all these show and blog bad mouth this game, I know it comes with the territory, but dang. The media plays it out like we down right abuse these animals and such. Calling it Sadistic and such. The only people they seem to interview are the hood boys that probably shouldn't on a dog anyway. Not downing hood boy because i come from that walk of life. But really? I consider myself an animal lover of some sort. I got fined for owning pitbulls because a stay use to hang at my house some times she didn't bother me my dogs or nothing, so why bother her this they world im just a squirel . But the animal control got wind of her came to my house and seen my dogs, so i get fine every year. They try to ban these dogs for a couple of bad apple, Why not ban the church for those priest that molested those children. Nothing against the church.

    People say we make these dogs hunt against there will. I dont know nobody that can teach a dog to hunt. We can perpare them and condition them to hunt the best we can. I thought they teach each other or they have it or they don't, like boxing Cus couldn't make tyson and Floyd fight he trained and perpare them. All we are coaches and trainers.

    Then we suppose to steal the neighbors animals, and use them as live bait. Thats bull! You might got some clueless MF out there doing that but forreal. Now these bird dogs might do this use quail or whatever. Nothing against bird dogs.

    So now they say with these dogs comes other stuff like drugs, prostition, and gambling. If you get rid of every pitbull in the world they will still be drugs, prostition, and gambling. How many atheletes, proformers, kids, mayor, regular joes, use and are around drugs and never seen a dog hunt. Any Sport from Football to Cricket u can gamble on any day off the week Horse and dog racing what u do, gamble right.

    Horse going to run, sled dog going to pull sled and pitbull going hunt. Ok so they can kill Barbaro cause he broke his leg after he made them Thousand probaby millions of dollar? It was to expensive for them to keep taking care of him so they put him down. It was his money, take care of him. Same with greyhound same with sled dogs. Adoption my ass. How many greyhound that just couldn't cut it you see around? If your Champion only broke his leg, or was blind would u put him down.Excactly!

    We don't care yeah right. How many so-call animal lovers you seen put their dog down for some dumb stuff. " O hear hips gone bad," "O she getting to old". I seen a 20 year old chicken with a cock fighter! You ever been in LIVE HANGING at a chicken factor, Now thats cruel! And you got to hang 180 on your shift just to make the cut, and that goes on 24 a day.

    Dog man make more advances in take care of dogs then the Vet. True story, had my first outbreak of Babesia, that stuff come on so sudden if you not prepared game over. The Vet was scratchin there headed never dianosised(spelling) it then charged 1500 dollars for my dog to still died. Read Jacks books another came up with it Shot him with Beneril put him in remission and cured him later, probably less then $200 dollars :shock: , he out there chasing his bowl now. Then put a couple of my finds dogs in remission and told them about the cure.

    Some REAL dogman and one of these So-called pet lovers need to have a debate one day.

  2. #2

    Re: REALLY

    Some REAL dogman and one of these So-called pet lovers need to have a debate one day
    this is never ever going to work. best to stay far away from these people

  3. #3
    Junior Member Strip's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Does it Really Matter

    Re: REALLY

    Quote Originally Posted by R2L
    Some REAL dogman and one of these So-called pet lovers need to have a debate one day
    this is never ever going to work. best to stay far away from these people
    True that!

  4. #4

    Re: REALLY

    Quote Originally Posted by Strip
    Quote Originally Posted by R2L
    Some REAL dogman and one of these So-called pet lovers need to have a debate one day
    this is never ever going to work. best to stay far away from these people
    True that!

  5. #5

    Re: REALLY

    Quote Originally Posted by R2L
    Some REAL dogman and one of these So-called pet lovers need to have a debate one day
    Maybe in a perfect world filled with common sence my friend,but as we all learn the hard way common sence aint so common

  6. #6

    Re: REALLY

    That is some real talk... But like the other guys said... It dont matter.. I dont know how all of the new generations became a bunch of limp dick pussies, but some how nowa days we have parades for faggots and put down bull dogs... WTF :!:

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